Use "temp.|temp|temp.s" in a sentence

1. The nitrous oxide-acetylene flame (max. temp.

Die Lachgas-Acetylenflamme (max.

2. Paraffin waxes (coal), brown-coal high-temp tar, silicic acid-treated; Coal tar extract

Paraffinwachse (Kohle), Braunkohle, Hochtemperatur-Teer, mit Kieselsäure behandelt; Steinkohlenteer-Extrakt

3. If the gas phase was nitrogen (O2 content<0,001%) 100% of the third stage larvae of Cooperia punctata died within 72 hours (Temp.

In einer Gasphase von Stickstoff (O2-Gehalt&lt;0,001%) gingen bei 39° C 100% der 3. Larven von Cooperia punctata in 72 Std zugrunde, die 1. und 2.

4. Month || Day || Latitude N/S || Longitude E/W || Surface water temp (oC) || Fishing effort No of hooks used || Bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus or maccoyii || Yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares || (Bigeye tuna) Thunnus obesus || (Albacore) Thunnus alalunga || (Swordfish) Xiphias gladius || (Strip marlin) (White marlin) Tetraptunus audax or albidus || (Black marlin) Makaira indica || (Sailfish) Istiophorus albicans or platypterus || (Skipjack) Katsuwonus pelamis || (Miscellaneous fish) || Daily total (weight in kg only) || Saury || Squid || Live bait || (Other)

Monat || Tag || Breite N/S || Länge O/W || Was-ser-ober-flä-chentem-pera-tur (oC) || Fische-reiauf-wand Zahl der ver-wen-deten Haken || Roter Thun Thunnus thynnus oder maccoyi || Gelb-flos-sen-thun Thunnus albacares || (Groß-augen-thun) Thunnus Obesus || (Wei-ßer Thun) Thunnus alalunga || (Schwertfisch) Xiphias gladius || (Ge-streifter Marlin) (Weißer Marlin) Tetraptunus audax oder albidus || (Schwarzer Marlin) Makaira indica || (Segel-fische) Istiophorus albicane oder platypterus || Echter Bonito Katsuwonus pelamis || (GemischteFänge) || Tagesmenge insgesamt (nur Gewicht in kg) || Makrelenhecht || Tintenfisch || Lebendköder || (Sonstige) ||